Meet The Founder

Ashly Latter
Ashly is a third generation pipeliner. Leveraging her extensive knowledge of the overall pipeline business, she has created, a responsive mobile-friendly website that helps the pipeline industry stay informed on what projects are happening, and what contractors are building them. It is a tool that provides accurate, timely, and complete pipeline project information.
Earlier in her career, Ashly held various accounting and payroll positions in pipeline project field offices, where she learned the intricacies of what makes a pipeline project run. Over the span of three years, she nearly covered coast to coast working on major mainline pipeline projects for very reputable mainline contractors.
Ashly grew up in Oklahoma, and received her degree in Business Administration from the University of Arkansas. In late 2014, she founded American Pipeliner, LLC in Texas, and launched the website in January of 2015.
Ashly, who comes from a family of Pipeliners, is passionate about the industry. She is dedicated to providing the most accurate information, in the quickest time possible, to help her customers stay better informed. Through her extensive network within the industry, and her thorough research, she provides daily updates to the website. This gives members of assurance that they have one place to go to for up-to-date pipeline information, and they need not look anywhere else.